Organizasaun ne’e nia naran sei sai Ra’es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO). Ra’es, husi tetun terik (lian abut iha Timor-Leste): tau matan ba tipu defisiensia hotu-hotu. Hadomi, ba Ema ho Defisiensia no estigma. Timor Oan: Ema Timor ho Defisiensia. Signifika tomak mak solidaridade no hadomi ba Ema Timor ne’ebé ho Defisiensia.

RHTO establese ona iha dia 28 de Agustu tinan 2006 iha Dili – Becora ba tempu ne’ebé la determina. RHTO mak órgaun reprezentativu ba Ema ho Defisiensia iha Timor-Leste. Nia mak independente no la’os afiliadu ho partidu politika ruma. Nia involve Ema ho Defisiensia no sira nia familia.

RHTO hanesan organizasaun ida ne’ebé naun-politikamente aliñadu no organizasaun naun-lukru katak opera ho onestu, transparensia, no vontade di’ak hodi servi Ema ho Defisiensia

Ema ho Defisiensia sira goja masimu sira nia direitus humanus, ida ne’e mak sai vijaun ba RHTO, no oinsa  ema ho defisiensia bele empodera hodi atinji sira nia vontade (aspirasoens) no partisipasaun ho masimu no ho igual iha nivél hotu husi sosiedade Timor-Leste.

RHTO hamrik atu advogar ne’ebé ho efetivu ba direitus Ema ho Defisiensia, liu husi haforsa redi nasionál no fasilita inkluzaun iha sosiedade ba mane, feto, no labarik ho defisiensia. Hodi asegura partisipasaun husi Ema ho Defisiensia, iha dezenvolvimentu ba sira nia-an rasik no dezenvolvimentu ba sira nia komunidade.

RHTO dirijidu husi prinsípius báziku mak tuir mai ne’e:

  • Ema ho Defisiensia mak intituladu (entitled) ba iha realizasaun husi sira nia direitus umanu universál.
  • Igualidade no naun-diskriminasaun independentemente (regardless) husi ema ida nia tipu defisiensia, rasa, jeneiru, nasionalidade, idade, etniku, rezidensia, relijiaun, lian ne’ebé koalia, orientasaun seksuál, ou kualker motivus ruma.
  • Atividades hotu-hotu servi Ema ho Defisiensia, konforme ba RHTO nia vizaun no misaun.
  • Krusial ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste, mak saude, ekonómiku, sosiál ho bem-estar (wellbeing) kulturál ba Ema ho Defisiensia.
  • Forte no efetivu sosiadade sivíl mak esensial no parte lejítimu husi governu demókratiku no meius importante husi involvimentu Ema ho Defisiensia iha aspeitus moris hotu-hotu.


Ra’es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO) is a Disabled Peoples Organization which was organized on August 2006 and registered on July 2008 with the East Timor Forum NGO. This organization was founded from the initiatives and ideas of individuals and groups of people with disabilities through discussion. In 2006 a group discussion came up with the initiative and idea to organize an organization that is run by people with disabilities themselves. In 2006 and 2007 members were fully focused on discussion about the constitution of the organization, the structure of the organization and election of  the leader.

This report is produced to inform all RHTO/DPO members, donors and relevant partners’ of the progress and activities during 2008 and 2009.

Since I (Joaozito dos Santos) was elected as leader and became RHTO Chairperson I have tried my best to learn and understand how to manage and lead the RHTO program and activities. At first I feel that my confidence is low and I worry that I would fail to conduct the program but I felt that I must try to start from zero and walk to face the challenges.

2008 Activities 

  • Registered RHTO/DPO in Timor Leste Forum NGO and participated meeting with government, Ministry of Social and Solidarity for action plan in 2008-2009 for people with disability, for Ministry of Health: early protection and prevention for children and disability.
  • Join the regular meetings of Forum NGO and DWG
  • Join the Inclusive Education group that is organized by ASSERT and Plan Timor Leste.
  • Began networking between RHTO and Australian Pacific Island Disability Support Limited (APIDS), signed an agreement and became an official partner.
  • Sharing on UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and sharing information and experience in AGAPE (a group of deaf people).
  • Networking with government through the Ministry of Social and State Secretary of Social Assistance and Natural Disaster which has supported food and carpentry training for 22 people with disabilities for 3 months in Professional Training Center of St. Don-Bosco, Comoro, Dili.
  • Participated in the Australian Disability and Development Consortium International Conference in Canberra-Australia (2008) 2 days.
  • Participated in leadership training in Sydney, Mt Macedon and Melbourne for 3 weeks.
  • Build networking between RHTO and DPOs in Asia and Pacific region through ALAF program.
  • Cooperate with TLMI-TL to facilitate and support training on Character Building and Project Design for the disabled people and RHTO members.
  • Participate in the Disability Working Group (DWG) meeting.
  • Cooperate and organize together with Ministry of Social and Solidarity- State Secretary of Social Assistance and Natural Disaster (SSSAND) for :
    • Ceremony of Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between SSSAND and Director of Professional Formation Training Center (PFTC) of St. Don-Bosco, Comoro, Dili
    • welcome for 22 people with disabilities to PFTC-St. Don-Bosco, Comoro, Dili, and
    •  ceremony of graduation for 22 people with disabilities for carpentry training 3 months in PFTC St. Don-Bosco, Comoro, Dili.
    • Organize RHTO Christmas party, Dec 27 2008, Salaun Igreja Balida, Dili, Timor Leste.

 These programs and activities are supported and facilitated by: TLMI-TL, MSS-SSSAND, APIDS Ltd and ASSERT.

  • Australian Pacific Islands Disability Support Limited (APIDS Ltd)) supported DPO program on advocacy based on the International Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (ICRPD).
  • Ministry of Social and Solidarity supported 22 people with disabilities to join training of carpentry in Training center of Don-Bosco, Comoro for three months, 18 August to 18 December 2008.
  • The Leprosy Mission Timor Leste (TLM-TL) supported and facilitated DPO on meeting and training.
  • ASSERT was facilitated the place for the meetings.

 DPO/ RHTO Partnership:

  • Ministry of Social and Solidarity
  • The Leprosy Mission-Timor Leste
  • ASSERT (Rehabilitation Center)
  • Disability Working Group
  • AGAPE (Sign Language)
  • East Timor Blind Union (ETBU)
  • PWDA
  • Disabilities People Organization in Asia-Pacific Region


There are many challenges this organization faces even to run the program.

  • Human resources and assets: RHTO does not have staff to run the program or an office for work and other materials to facilitate the program (lap top, transportation, salary or advance, etc)
  • Some programs cannot run yet because of the lack of budget support. Members of the DPO need to discuss deeply and come up with a clear program for 2009 and for 2010-2012.
  • DPO is not independent and needs advocacy to support the DPO program as well as planning time needed (6 months or 1 year).

DPO program on 2009:

  • Continue doing awareness raising and pamphlet
  • ICRPD through the schools and public.
  • Organizing carpentry training in group working (22 PWDs).
  • Attending the meeting of DWG and other partners (Governments, Forum NGO and other NGOs).
  • Organizing DPO training and workshop.
  • Networking with TLM-TL Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) to identify group of PWD and set up DPO in regional level.
  • Develop DPO in national level.
  • Organizing International day of disability.



Joaozito dos Santos


Ra’es Hadomi Timor Oan